Journey Outdoors


Please read the following to get an idea of how Journey can support you in your outdoor pursuit and adventures. Do contact us with any concerns, questions or comments.

Going Outdoors With Us

Now is the right time to go outdoors with Journey. You don't have to wait for a particular season, weather or event - like an Open House - to begin enjoying the outdoors with us. If you are new to the outdoors we are happy to advise and guide you on your way. You can enjoy the outdoors all year long with the right clothing, gear, Trip Leaders and companions. There is clothing to keep you warm and comfortable whether it is cold, cool, warm, or hot out. There is gear to support you for every activity we do; and there is the knowledge and skill to be gained through study, observation and participation.

Seize the opportunity to get beyond your fear, doubt and procrastination by taking action now. Consider this, our organization is now ten-years old and we are yet to jump off a mountain, swim with great white sharks, be put upon by bears or a pack of wolves. We are not an 'extreme sport organization'. We pale in comparison. However, our biggest fear is inertia, doing nothing. If you think you can't do the activities you see us doing, remember it's just a thought, and not necessarily what is real. If you can walk you can hike, if you can hold a rope and pull on it you can rock-climb, and kayak, if you can lift your legs up and down chances are you can ride a bike.

If you're debating if outdoor activities with Journey is right for you do a pro and con list and see what you come up with. On the pro side consider putting new experiences, companions (having others to join you in your outdoor endeavors), relatively inexpensive, health and wellness, safety (in numbers and in the way we do it), variety (of opportunities), frequency (of opportunities), travel, increased knowledge (skill and awareness)….Surely you can think of others. Then compare that list to you con-list. Take action on the list that significantly outweighs the other. I'm tempted to say we're waiting for you, but the truth is we're not. Like the people you see in the photographs on this site, with each outing we are overcoming what ever would otherwise stop us in pursuit of all that we've listed in our 'pro' column. Though if you join we will welcome you with joy and open arms, because the more, the merrier.

Review the schedule and determine the activity you'd like to do. If you already know what the gear and physical requirements are contact the Trip Leader to register. At that time ask any questions or address any concerns. If you are not sure what is required check the trip rating key to determine the required physical and skill level, also check the resources page for gear list related to the activity; if this does not address the concern call the Trip Leader for details.

If you need a face to face, assurances, and other reassurances then be sure to attend one of our clinics.

Discover Your Capacity

The human body is designed for movement. Within three to five generations of the millions of years we've been here, those of us today have become more sedentary than our grandparents or their grandparents could ever dream of. For most of us, here in North American and in other 'developed' countries, we are barely mobile (as in self propelled) and hardly physically challenged. For many of us mobility means walking down stairs in the morning, to and from the car, to the job or store. For most of us being physically challenged means getting up from one location to either sit on lay at another. Consequently, we are becoming inactive and obese. Hence, in this light many of us become terrified at the thought of doing an activity that requires mobility and physicality. Being mobile and physical is its own solution you must do it to reap its benefits.

To discover your capacity participate in an activity to determine how well you do, from there you can gauge your current ability and set a path of direction. If it's a hike or cycling trip come on an 'out and back' in case you decide to stop short of completing the full outing. If it's a climbing trip stopping is as simple as saying no more. Once you know your capability you can determine what is necessary to achieve the result you want.

Outside Year Round

As an organization we do activities throughout the year in spite of, or consistent with, the weather, which mitigated by wearing appropriate clothing. Some activities we do all year long - hiking, camping, climbing, camping; other activities we do seasonally - for example kayaking, ice-climbing, white-water rafting, and horse-back riding. Sometimes we travel to other regions of the country to do an activity that we wouldn't be able to do locally. With the appropriate clothing, gear, knowledge and skill you also can enjoy the outdoors year round.

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From Novice to Experienced

Everyone starts out a novice. To get experience you must engage in the activity. Increase your knowledge and skill by both study and application (participation). Most people fear an activity because they don't know enough about it to know better. A good way to learn is either through observation (of someone or videos) and through research (for example reading) about the activity. Both will help you decide if the activity is for you.

Just because an activity has risk doesn't mean it cannot be done safely. How to do an activity safely is the first thing you should learn. Every outdoor activity we do has some element of risk - including simple hikes (you could twist your ankle by sliding on a pebble), because of this we stress safety (knowledge, preparation, skill and application) first and foremost.

To help get you up to speed we offer clinics and classes. Through clinics we offer explanations, demonstrations, overviews, and reviews of past outings. Clinics are designed to give you a 'quick' introduction of the activity and what's required. For some activities clinics are the most you need outside of actually doing the activity.

For more complicated activities we offer classes. Some classes are required before you can engage in an activity with us and should be taken before you ever try the activity on your own - rock-climbing is a good example. Also classes are designed to help you acquire greater knowledge and skill.

Experience is realized through constant application and improvement. Some activities take little time and effort for you to become experienced others take more.

Trying, however, is the first step. Through exploration you can learn a lot about various outdoor activities and a lot more about yourself. Very often a novice proclaims to us they wouldn't be caught dead doing such a thing only later to realize it has become their favorite outdoor activity. Observation, research, classes and clinics will help you to know which activities are for you.

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Gearing Up

Hiking is our most popular activity in part because it cost less to start than most others. With hiking you need appropriate clothing, shoes, daypack, water bottles, rain clothes (or poncho), hiking poles and a few other 'optional' items. Some of these items you may already have and if you need to purchase any of these they can be acquired rather inexpensively. However, some of the other activities can be a bit more expensive. Therefore, we suggest you start by renting or borrowing items to use while determining if the activity is one you like and will be doing often and is worth the expense of acquiring gear for.

Is this an activity you will do once, twice, ten or twelve times or more during the season or year? Are you planning to do the activity indefinitely? Purchasing a sleeping bag, tent, backpack, sleeping pad, camp stove and the host of equipment associated with backpacking and camping may not be the best thing if you are only going to use it once or twice per year or even less over the years to come. It may be cost effective to rent or borrow the equipment. If you know that you will engage in the activity throughout the year and for years to come it may be best purchased. Consider this, list the cost of all the items you plan to purchase then divide the cost by how often you plan to use it; for example - Total Cost: $1000 divided by 40 (4x10 years estimated use) equals $25.00 per outing. The purchase cost of $25 per outing may be less expensive than renting over the same period of time.

Before purchasing 'expensive' items do some research using the Internet, visiting outdoor stores, and ask questions of those engaged in the activity. This approach often results in better, less expensive and more satisfying purchases. Be sure to evaluate product warranties before purchasing. Some companies offer excellent warranties, other don't, and some outdoor stores will stand behind the product for years of normal use. Used products purchased at a bargain prices may not come with a warranty, here you must weigh the value of one to the other.

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Journey Health and Fitness Opportunities

Fitness is a lifelong aspiration. Unfortunately most people think of fitness as 'getting back in shape' as opposed to staying in shape indefinitely. Most of us set a target goal of losing weight and once achieved soon stop the activity we did to improve our fitness, consequently many of us are living a 'yo-yo' life as it relates to health and wellness - we'll do something, if we can get motivated enough, to get 'back in shape' then let go again only to repeat the cycle. Some of us have let go thinking we can't do anything. The fact is your health and wellness is a choice - you decide to be healthy and fit or unhealthy and unfit.

If you've made the decision to be healthy and fit Journey provides ongoing outdoor recreation opportunities for you to continue on that path. At least three of the many activities we offer can be done all year - hiking, cycling, climbing (indoors) during the cold season. Your choice then is deciding what your objectives are - losing weight or maintaining your fitness, and which of the activities you are going to do to achieve the objective.

Journey Hiking

January through March Journey offers a series of Long-Distance Hikes, April through October we have the Tuesday Evening Hike Series, throughout the year we offer hikes of varying lengths. One way to improve and maintain good health is to do the hikes.

If you are new to hiking and are unsure of your capability join one of the shorter hikes - 3 to 4-miles to get an idea of what's involved. Considering that the average adult walks 3-miles in an hour (on flat terrain) your commitment to a shorter hike is between 1 and 2-hours. However it truly is the longer-distance hikes - 5-plus miles - that make all the difference in increasing your aerobic capacity, increasing your stamina and endurance, burning calories and losing weight.

You can always join an 'out-and-back' hike which affords you the opportunity to do as much of the hike as you can with the opportunity to turn back whenever you desire. Though, you would be surprised just how far you are able to hike.

With each succeeding hike you should be able to do more than the previous one, ultimately hiking as far as you would like.

Of course the Sunday hikes are not all you should be doing to improve and maintain your health, you should exercise during the week whether cross-training or hiking.. If you hike 5-miles at least two days during the week - for example Tuesday and Thursday, you should be ready to do five and more miles during the weekend.

The long-distance hikes are done at a pace of between 2 to 3 miles per hour, sometimes slower.

Journey Cycling

Beginning in April our cycling series offers opportunities to improve your conditioning and performance by joining us on a variety of cycling trips whether it is the ten-plus mile cycling trips, the cycle and camp trips or the half-century (50-mile) events.

Improvements comes as a result of consistence and endurance - stick with it and go further each outing and you will realize results

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Kim Byron Heru
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