Hiking - Day / Night - Gear List

Adjust what you carry depending upon the length, duration, terrain and difficulty of your outing. For example a 1-mile hike will not require all that a 5-mile or a 10-mile hike will.

Day Pack
Get a pack large enough to carry what you need. You may want different size day-packs for different outings - for example a small pack for short hikes; a larger pack for longer outings.

Pants - synthetics made for hiking and outdoor use are best. Avoid cotton clothing, when it gets wet it stays wet
Shirt - synthetics made for hiking and outdoors use are best. Avoid cotton clothing, when it gets wet it stays wet
Socks - inserts and outer sock - use synthetic socks designed to keep you dry and warm
Underwear - long-johns if weather is cold (synthetic nylon or polyester)
Hat - for protection from the sun and for warmth (skull cap) at night
Gloves - essential for cold weather use; water-proof shell with inserts a good choice
Boots - hiking boots are important for comfort, stability and protection. Hightops which give ankle support are the best choice
Rain Clothes - a poncho can be used also (water proof cloths are essential). Rain clothes keep you dry and warm.

Water - the most important item to have. Keep plenty, Drink often!
Water bottles - carry at least two bottles and refill regularly
Water-filter - essential for water re-supply
Water-bag - good for collecting water and having at campsites
Iodine Tablets - to assist in purifying water
Food Always carry plenty of food to eat - sandwiches, fruits, nuts, etc. Eat often to keep your energy level up. Do not wait to get hungry.

Maps - always know where you are and where you can go (learn to read topographical maps - get a book or take a class)
Compass - essential for finding your way (learn to read a compass get a book or take a class)
Altimeter - essential when traversing altitude
Hiking Poles - a must to distribute weight and stress from back, legs, knees and feet (essential for maintaining your health)
Flashlight and batteries - always carry even on day-hikes
Whistle - important for sounding warnings and alerts
First Aid Kit - must have
Cell Phone - can be use-full, also can be a nuisance
Radio and batteries - stay informed

Mosquito head-net - use during 'bug season'
Knife - A multipurpose knife is essential
Toilet Tissue - for those special times
Camp Shovel - to did holes and to cover the results of your comfort stops (the shovel can be plastic for lightness of weight) Zip-loc bags - use for food, trash bags, urinals
Bug Repellant - essential during some seasons and some locations
Camera - document your outings.
Journal - document your outings. A micro-cassette, portable and lightweight, works well
Binoculars - there is a lot to be seen in the outdoors. Binoculars help. Guide books - bird guides, plant guides, insect guides, geology guides can assist you in enjoying and learning about the environment you are in.

Hiking is an excellent way to develop and maintain cardio and aerobic health. Hike often and go further for better health and enjoyment.

Journey: African American Outdoor Sports Association